This devotional time is both a private matter, the traditional quiet time, and a corporate matter, that is something we do together. On Wednesday nights we meet to pray together at 8pm in our main hall. This prayer time is structured in such a way to allow those who come the opportunity to share together that special devotional time with God.
At our Wednesday night prayer meeting we split our evening into 4. We spend the first part of the night simply worshiping God for who he is, not what he has done. This means we worship God because he is God and it is for this reason alone he is worthy of our worship. This is our time of adoration.
Confession is an important part of prayer, none of us are perfect and so we all recognise our individual need to confess our failings before God. We do this in the full knowledge that God is a forgiving and loving God who delights in our confession, because he delights in forgiving us. In Moneydig we emphasise the importance of who we are in Christ, not who we are because of what we might have or have not done! This gives us the confidence to be honest with God, and the freedom of knowing we are accepted as his children.
Our time of confession is not designed to weigh us down, rather is because we have been liberated by Christ that we move to a time of thanksgiving. We thank God for all Jesus has done for us, for answered prayer and for how he has been working in the life of our church and individual members.
We do not measure the success of our prayer meeting by the volume or numbers of prayers, but rather by the people who have had the opportunity to meet with God. This is a devotional time and so all are welcome regardless as to whether you pray ‘out loud’ or quiet heartfelt cries to God.
Denise Torrens a regular at our prayer meeting said this about Wednesday nights in Moneydig, ‘It is a precious time in the middle of the week to come with others into the presence of God as we pray for God’s work within our church, families, community and further afield.’
Why not come along and join us as together we seek God’s presence in our church and in our lives.
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