It seems like no time at all since our minister Stuart Morrow and his family were heading off to Toronto and the congregation of St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church,

and Tim Bruneau and his family were coming in the opposite direction to spend 8 weeks in Moneydig. It appears there was a consensus on both sides of the Atlantic that this summer was a success.

As with all things, the church year is no different and so now it’s time to move on and start thinking about the new Autumn program in Moneydig.

The Sunday school begins this Sunday (9th September) with the annual big breakfast. Please remember to bring your children (and any friends they might have) along at 11 am – and make sure they are hungry!

Sunday morning worship continues each week at 12 noon. This term we will be looking at the book of Hosea asking what this 8th Century prophet has to say to a 21st century world. Throughout the book we will find a repeated call to holiness, to not only repeat the ancient truths we have come to love, but to live those truths in our every day life.

There will be a new face at worship at various points this Autumn. Mark Adams, a member of Bushvale Presbyterian Church, who is probably more familiar to us through his work in the Cornerstone in Garvagh, will be enriching our worship as he helps conduct three services over the coming months.

Mark is training to become an accredited preacher within PCI and as part of that training he will be mentored with us here in Moneydig. Please do make yourself known to Mark and encourage him as he explores God’s call on his life.

Harvest is always an important event in Moneydig. This year we are doing something extra to celebrate harvest. As well as our services on Sunday 30th September at 12 noon and 7:00 pm we will have a Fun Day on the Saturday between 2 and 4 pm.

We will have tea and coffee in the hall, a bouncy castle, archery and various fun games. We will also have live music and a puppet show. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to give something back to our community so please do come along and enjoy all that will be on offer – and of course get a sneak preview of our harvest decorations.


Campaigners will begin on Monday 1st October for another fun filled year of adventure and mayhem. All of this as well as PW, bowling club and then our Christmas celebrations means that it will be no time before the New Year.  We will begin 2019 by running a Life Explored course through January and February.

There certainly is plenty happening in Moneydig so why not stay in touch through our website,; Facebook or even better by coming along on Sundays at 12 noon.