Encountering God begins this Wednesday (13th) in Moneydig Presbyterian Church. This is a 4 week course running each Wednesday night from 7:30pm – 9:00pm.
Over the next 4 weeks we will be using God’s word, music and prayer to understand how God develops our relationship with him.

Roz Stirling
The course will be led by Roz Stirling from Cleopas ministries. Roz said this about her hopes for the 4 Wednesday nights.
“Our short series, Encountering God, will explore how this wonderful new relationship with God develops. We will look at the part we as followers of Jesus, must play, in order for this special, life-giving relationship with God to grow and flourish. And we will discover the wonder of God’s provision for us in advance of us coming to faith. In all, this will be a wonderful adventure when we will learn how to walk in close proximity to God moment by moment and how in partnership with him, we see old habits and sins defeated, and the new nature of Christ being formed in us.”
Although the course begins at 7:30pm there will be opportunity before hand to meet and have a cup of tea together. So why not come along and join with us as we seek to deepen our relationship with God through Jesus Christ by encountering God.