Coming up in Moneydig

Coming up in Moneydig

It seems like no time at all since our minister Stuart Morrow and his family were heading off to Toronto and the congregation of St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church, and Tim Bruneau and his family were coming in the opposite direction to spend 8 weeks in Moneydig....

Church BBQ 27th July 2018

Moneydig and Second Kilrea held a Church Barbecue on Friday 27th July at the Manse grounds with around 80 people coming along to enjoy a great night of tasty burgers and sizzling sausages. Everyone enjoyed the evening and thanks go to Alan and Gerald for looking after...
A Canadian View of the Twelfth

A Canadian View of the Twelfth

Tim Bruneau from St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church gives his thoughts on this years twelfth parade in Garvagh. Our family participated in what is likely the largest celebration in Northern Ireland of the year – the July 12th Parade. It is commonly called “The...
Learning from the past

Learning from the past

Yesterday, (Friday 13th July), Julia, Robin, Jacob and I visited the Black Creek Pioneer Village in Toronto. For those reading this back home in Northern Ireland, Black Creek Pioneer Village is very like the Folk park at Cultra or the Ulster American Folk park in...
Moneydig to Toronto

Moneydig to Toronto

Moneydig and St Giles Kingsway Exchange update, 8th June 2018 Things are a little different in Moneydig this summer for our minster Stuart and his family. Stuart has swapped pulpits with the Rev Tim Bruneau from St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church in Toronto . Tim,...